Boppy Bare Naked Pillow

Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

  • Boppy Bare Naked Now with Miracle Middle "Stretch Panel" to fit all waists
  • Product guaranteed for one year
  • Strengthens muscles and coordination
  • Completely machine washable

Boppy Bare Naked Voted the #1 baby product in America five years in a row, the Boppy Bare Naked will give your tired arms and neck a rest. Made for Everyone Big or small, moms or dads, everyone can use the Boppy Bare Naked while feeding baby. This award-winning pillow places the user in an ergonomically correct position reducing stress to the body. The new Miracle Middle panel stretches the width of the pillow to accomodate all sizes, while still keeping its shape throughout!The versatile Bopp

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